Q: What's the average life span of a jumping spider?

A: The average lifespan is 1-2 years and in rare cases 3 years.


Q: What is a sling?

A: Slings are baby jumping spiders, while juveniles are older instars.


Q: What does i1 or L1 stand for?

A: i1 or L1 is in reference to a jumping spiders instar.


Q: What is a instar?

A: An instar is how many times a jumping spider has molted.


Q: How many times will a jumping spider molt?

A: Jumping spiders will molt 6-9 times in their lifetime.


Q: Do jumping spiders bite?

A: It's very uncommon a jumping spider will bite, however they do have the ability to do so.


Q: Are jumping spiders poisonous? 

A: They are not poisonous, they are however venomous. 


Q: Is a jumping spider bite dangerous to humans?

A: No, a jumping spiders venom is not medically significant to humans.


Q: Do jumping spiders lay eggs?

A: Yes.


Q: How many eggs can a jumping spider lay?

A: They can lay 1-5 times.


Q: How many babies can each egg contain?

A: 50-200 per egg sac.


Q: Will the spiderlings eat their mother?

A: No, jumping spider slings do not eat mom once hatched.


Q: Will the mother die after laying her eggs?

A: Not always, but it can happen. Mom can and will in most cases live a lengthy life after laying many egg sacs.


Q: How long does it take jumping spider eggs to hatch?

A: 2-4 weeks on average. And another 2-4 weeks before they leave nest.


Q: How do jumping spiders mate?

A: Male jumping spiders will do courtship dance to impress the female, if the female is receptive the male will then deposit the sperm on to a sperm web, which he will then draw into his pedipalps. From that point he will inject the sperm into the females genital opening known as the epigynum. The epigynum is on the underside of the abdomen, while the males pedipalps are his mouthparts.


Q: How many times does a jumping spider need to mate?

A: Once. They are able to store fertilization for up to a year.


Q: How long after mating before a females lays her eggs?

A: 2-4 weeks on average.


Q: Do the females eat the males after mating?

A: Its not uncommon, however this occurs more in the wild than captivity since food isn't as readily available. 


Q: Are jumping spiders cannibalistic?

A: Yes, jumping spider slings are known to eat their siblings.


Q: Do jumping spiders hunt using webs?

A: No, they ambush/pounce their prey which is how they earned their name.


Q: How many eyes do jumping spiders have?

A: All arachnids have eight eyes and legs.


Q: What do jumping spiders eat?

A: They eat various prey items. And can eat insects almost twice their size.


Q: Are jumping spiders nocturnal?

A: No. They are most active and hunt during the day.